November 18, 2007
Autumn in Brooklyn – A Local Excursion

Some days are just meant for strolling around and taking in the change of seasons. I find autumn to be such a contemplative time of year, as the days get shorter, and we spend more time in the dark. It makes me feel a greater urgency to get out and enjoy the daylight hours while I have the chance.

These are some shots from around my neighborhood this fall. One day, I went on a walk in the rain and snapped a few shots from under my umbrella. It was unusually warm, so it was
actually quite nice to be out with the fresh rain water falling. At one point, the wind really picked up, and I felt a little eccentric trying to hold tight to the umbrella handle and focus the camera at the same time.

For some reason, it is moments like that, with a the sense of teetering on the edge of socially acceptable behavior, that most remind me of what it’s like to be an artist. Not to intentionally push the limits of what is “normal” behavior, but to be so caught up in the moment that normalcy simply isn’t a consideration.

It was only when others passed me on the sidewalk that I had any self-awareness at all – suddenly caught – forced to wake from another sense of reality – wondering how I might look, struggling to take of photo of what must look like nothing out of the ordinarily, out in the pouring rain.

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