A Most Glorious Field Trip
Kyle and I just returned from an amazing journey to Central America – specifically, one of the Islas de la Bahia off the northern coast of Honduras called, Roatan. It sits out in the Caribbean, protected by one of the largest reefs in the world!On the morning before we left, we saw a starfish that was more than a foot across – it was deep, deep orange, with a funky yellow design on the front of it. It had washed up on the shore of
our resort from the beach. I am describing it to you because I had already packed my camera, and I didn’t get any photos.
I did, however, photograph the iguana farm, our glass-bottom boat ride, and lots of other beach adventures. The island was hilly and lush, and we had such a peaceful, wonderful time there. One of my favorite things were the mangrove trees; mangroves are salt-tolerant plants, and Roatan had lots of these trees growing densely right out into the ocean. Kyle and I took a kayak out to look at them.
When I went for my scheduled massage, I arrived at a little dock, where I had to speak into an intercom to call for a boat to take me across to a little island where the wellness center was. We took a water taxi to a quirky, little restaurant called, “Hole in the Wall.” We watched a lot of wonderful sunsets, swam in the pool and in the ocean (where I demonstrated my
ability to do a handstand), and drank the local beverage – a Monkey LaLa. It was a perfect winter getaway!
I did not try scuba-diving this time, although we were so close to the reef that it was very tempting! But it made me think that it is a long wonderful life, and I will look forward to the day when I am brave enough to try breathing through that strange equipment so that I can experience the unique perspective of the underwater world. It seems a lot like flying in the way you can move through space without having to have your feet on the ground. I like that! For now, I’ll enjoy just pondering it, and looking at my shots from the glass-bottom boat.
You can view all of th
e photos (about 200 in total!) by clicking here to go to my Roatan flickr page.