This Thanksgiving, Kyle and I went to our friend Angela’s house in the Catskills for a lovely, relaxing getaway. Angela and her friend Colin were there. We tried to hook up Angela’s stereo, to no avail.
Angela prepared a traditional Thanksgiving meal complete with fresh homemade cranberry sauce and perfectly basted turkey. Colin tended the two fireplaces in the hip, modern farmhouse and kept us all nice and cozy. Best of all, we laughed and laughed and laughed.
In addition to being incredibly generous and an amazing cook, Angela is hilarious. Not to mention, she designed and built this contemporary farmhouse in just 6 months! (Adjacent to the house is an old barn, where I took this shot with my cell phone.)
We all loved being together in the house for Thanksgiving – excellent food, good friends, the peace and quiet of the countryside – truly a perfect holiday. Kyle always says that Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday, and I would like to add my appreciation to that. It is a wonderful thing to take a day to enjoy, and give thanks for the abundance we get to experience in our lives. Especially thanks to Angela, for welcoming us so warmly into her country home!