3D Viewers: Blast from my Childhood

child photographer cleveland new york

As I kid, I loved looking at Disney World images in 3D — pointing my viewer at a light-source, and experience the very satisfying CA-chunk, as I pressed the handle to move the reel.

Now, I’m shooting in 3D and offering my clients the same satisfaction.  Only instead of rides and attractions, my reels feature 3D images of your own kids (or your own wedding)!  If you’re a child of the 80s, or just love the 80s, this custom 3D viewer is for you.  Kids will love viewing their own photo shoot come to life in 3D!

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Interview by SoCal Kids San Diego

The brilliant writer Kathie Zaccaria of SoCal Kids San Diego interviewed me about my creative practice and approach to photographing kids, as a corollary to my trip to California last month.  It’s included here in its entirety, and you can also view it in its original form on the SoCal Kids website

What kind of camera do you use?
I use all kinds of cameras.  I own both Nikon and Canon digital cameras, and actually still prefer to shoot film, when I can.  For that I have a Nikon SLR, and a Voigtlander rangefinder that I love — as well as all kinds of other random ones.  I love the look of film, and the artistry involved when you can’t “check on” the pictures to see how they’re shaking out.  I find it’s an exercise in being present, and the images end up reflecting something ethereal.

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