Last-Minute Holiday Bookings

los angeles


I admit it. I have been known to procrastinate from time to time.  As much as I love a good plan, sometimes things just seem to be up in the air until the last minute.  So, I have a soft spot for people trying to squeeze in bookings for portraits in December, and do my best to help them get their holiday cards out on time!

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Homesick for Space


When I first moved to NYC awhile back, I’d heard of a band called, “Homesick for Space.”  I loved the name because there was never enough room for anything in New York, and I thought that everyone who lived there was probably homesick for space. Continue reading “Homesick for Space”

Wintering in San Diego

A friend of mine once said, “You know you’ve made it when you start using the word ‘winter,’ as a verb.”  I found this pretty amusing since my parents started wintering in San Diego a few years ago.  My parents have modest means.  So, how are they doing this?

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